miércoles, 28 de enero de 2015

2 years old!

Wow! Is it really time to post about another one of Michayla`s birthdays? Actually, I am a little late in posting! December 19th, we celebrated Michayla`s 2nd birthday! Her birthday morning was rather hard for me as I was still with Joel in the hospital and wondering if I would be able to leave that day to be with her or not. We were so thankful to be sent home (to Mom and Dads` house in Balfate that is) by noon so that we could celebrate with Marvin`s parents, his sisters and their sons that night. Michayla is very aware of birthdays now!! She loves the cakes, the singing, the candles and decorations, so we were especially excited to celebrate her this year! 

Words really could never express how much we love this little girl-our "colocha", our "muñeca", our "preciosa", our "guapa", our "princesa". These are words we use regularly to describe her. She knows they all refer to her. I have this image in my mind of her running to our bed when she first wakes up in the morning in her pajamas with her curly hair flying all over the place. The smile I see on her face is one of sheer delight, and she is enthusiastically trying to wake up Mommy and Papa or getting into bed and cuddling with either one of us in a very wiggly manner. Some of her first words every morning are "hungry", or "Baby Joel esta dormido". She is in such a wonderful stage-a stage where she is soaking in the world around her, growing her vocabulary daily, interested in creating things with her hands whether it be a picture for someone, a necklace (with help), or a play dough project. She is "Mommy`s big helper"-the one who throws all baby Joel`s diapers in the trash for me, gets me the diapers when I need them, cleans up her toys, helps prepare meals, and wants to help with about anything. She is Papa`s little sidekick-the one who goes to work with him often, wants to go with him on any errand, wants him to "hold you" constantly, and just really wants to be with him as much as she can. She is baby Joel`s biggest kisser and hugger (besides Mommy of course!)-the one who constantly wants to touch and squeeze him, loves to pat his back and shush him with Mommy so he will go asleep and loves to hold his hand. She loves her little brother so much! This is the little girly girl who loves bows and headbands, lip gloss and lotion, clothes and shoes, purses and jewelry. To say she is a delight to us is an understatement. I am so thankful for the sunshine she sheds daily on our life. We love her so much and pray for her daily that the Lord will mold a soft and tender heart toward Himself in her, that she will love Him and serve Him and know him at a very early age. 

Sharon:a fertile plain. Michayla: who is like God? I really believe that names are important, and I think her name really does describe her to me. She surely is to me like a fertile plain-a little person with so much potential for growth and abundance of virtues and skills. I am daily amazed by this little person that God has placed in our home. She is a constant reminder to me of God`s greatness. There is NO ONE like God! 

Please pray for our sweet Michayla this year as our family prepares for both exciting and challenging changes .Pray that the Lord will draw her to Himself and mold her little heart in the way only He can do it. Pray that we will have wisdom in parenting as we strive to present the gospel to her in our way of living and talking and strive to help guide her little heart. 

First day of life
Six days old

One year old
1st birthday party
2 years old


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